Electric Vehicle Rate Request
To begin, enter your account number (below the image).
Member Account Number  
Please enter the last four digits of this Account's phone number:   
Please acknowledge these important details by checking each box.
This rate is not designed to save money for the typical member. It is designed for members with electric vehicles or other smart appliances/devices that can shift their electric use from high-cost on-peak periods to low-cost off-peak periods.
Your next bill will still be on the residential rate. On your next regularly scheduled read date, the meter will be changed and the EV rate rate will be effective from that date.
Once you have received your first bill on the EV rate, the rate is locked in and cannot be changed for 12 months.
The EV rate is applied to all kilowatt hour (kWh) electric use recorded through the meter, not just electric vehicle charging.
The highest charge of $0.203/kWh on the EV rate is applied to electricity use from June 1st- through September Sept. 30th from 2:00p.m. to 8:00p.m. on weekdays.
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